Thursday, October 10, 2013

Academic Shoots Reflection

1. It was hard at times to get the photos I needed because a lot of the time teachers wouldn't let me in their classroom or I just couldn't find something to fit the rule well enough.
2. I found myself thinking about the lens clarity a lot, adjusting the two different parts of it to focus correctly on my subject.
3. If I could do the assignment again, I would probably have a lot better examples,  I wasn't exactly clear on what all the rules meant when I went out to shoot.
4. I would go to the same places I did, I believe the fine arts building has a lot of photographic potential so I would definitely go back there.
5. I think when i go out the easiest rule to achieve will be the rule of thirds, because you can take a picture of anything and as long as it is in one of four spots on the photo then you follow the rule of thirds.
6. I think the hardest rule to capture is balance. You have to take a picture at the right moment for it to have balance.
7. I'm still not totally clear on balance, i can look at more pictures that are examples of balance to figure it out.

Academics Shoot Preview

Action and Emotion
The action shown in this picture is an experiment gone haywire but I believe the emotion his happiness and surprise.
Filling The Frame
The frame is filled with a group of kids doing some sort of experiment, the picture is very busy.

Best Story
I think this picture tells the story of two kids who appreciate there teacher and are showing there gratitude.

I picked this photo because it looks really cool, and i love me some bass.
There is definitely a lot of focus in this photograph.
I could take similar photos in my own school in the art room .
I would like to visit the engineering classroom and take pictures.
I will incorporate picture taking techniques in order to have better photographs.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The main point of the article is that true pictures are the best pictures. Doctoring a picture might make it seem more appealing but if its not real its a lie. Doctoring a photo can result in bad credit as a photographer.
I think this type of editing is unethical because it is not the truth and you can just turn anything into a false story.
I believe this photo manipulation is the most unethical because it is trying to make you think this soldier is pointing the gun at this innocent man and his child. The editor of this photo was trying to provoke the viewer.

I think this photo is the least unethical because all the editor did was add an extra missile, sure he tried to spice it up but whats one more missile when there is already 3.

National Geographic Warm-Up

I chose this picture because it look so phenomenal. I have never seen anything like it. The sunset almost look painted on and the smoke in the wind makes the sky just look insane.

If I were to take a picture f my world i think it would be a picture of me running through a crowd walking in the opposite direction.

40 Greatest Photos Reflection

 I picked this photo because I am very close to my animals as well. The holes leading up to the grave draw my attention the grave. I think this is in the 40 Most Powerful Photos because it shows a lot of emotion.
 I picked this photo because the focus really stands out and uses framing with the riot policeman. I believe this photo is in the Top 40 Most Powerful Photos because it evokes a strong feeling of intimacy.
I like this photo because it shows rebellion. There is lines in this photo as well as good balance. This picture is most like in the Top 40 Most Powerful Photos because its such an intense stare-down.

Great Black and White Part 2

William Eugene Smith - Suicide Charge
Born December 20, 1918 in Wichita, Kansas. There he attended Wichita North High School and immediately after high school he began working for multiple papers, such as Wichita Eagle, Beacon, Life Magazine. Some known pieces incude, "Tomoko Uemura In Her Bath", "The Walk to Paradise Garden", and " Pittsburgh". He died at the age of 59 on October 15, 1978.

Red, Metal, Happy


Avoiding Mergers

This photo shows a merger because the lady is wearing black and she blends into the building behind her.


This photo shows framing because it is from behind a big building and a bunch of smaller ones.


This photo shows balance because the 3 people form a triangle.


This photo is a strong example of lines, it makes the focus really stand out.

The Rule of Thirds

This photo represents the rule of thirds because the focal point is in the lower right corner.


This photo shows simplicity because it has a solid background.